“…montifera Moore, 1906Facultative inhabitant of the mantle cavity of freshwater mussels | Long Point, Canada 76 | Widespread throughout USA and Canada 13 | Secondary host and shelter (facultative): freshwater mussels Amblema , Cyclonaias , Fusconaia , Glebula , Lampsilis , Leptodea , Obliquaria , Potamilus , Pyganodon , Utterbackiana (Unionidae: Ambleminae) 1,10–12 ; primary host: freshwater fishes Acipenser , Scaphirhynchus (Acipenseridae), Perca (Percidae), Lepomis , Micropterus (Centrarchidae), Lepisosteus (Lepisosteidae), Ameiurus (Ictaluridae), Moxostoma (Catostomidae), Cyprinus (Cyprinidae), and common musk turtle Stenotherus odoratus (Kinosternidae) 10,13 | P . parasitica (Say, 1824) | Facultative inhabitant of the mantle cavity of freshwater mussels 1 | The lakes of the north-western region [of North America] 77 | North-central and eastern USA and southern Canada 13,78 | Secondary host and shelter (facultative): unspecified freshwater mussels (Unionidae: Ambleminae) 1 ; primary host: at least 10 freshwater turtle species 72,78 , occasional records from the tadpoles of Lithobates pipiens (Ranidae) and a freshwater fish 72 |
Genus Batracobdelloides Oosthuizen, 1986 |
B . conchophylus sp. |