Exactly solvable multistate Landau-Zener (MLZ) models are associated with families of operators that commute with the MLZ Hamiltonians and depend on time linearly. There can also be operators that satisfy the integrability conditions with the MLZ Hamiltonians but depend on time quadratically. We show that, among the MLZ systems, such time-quadratic operators are much more common. We demonstrate then that such operators generally lead to constraints on the independent variables that parametrize the scattering matrix. We show how such constraints lead to asymptotically exact expressions for the transition probabilities in the adiabatic limit of a three-level MLZ model. New fully solvable MLZ systems are also found.where B 0 , B 1 , A and C are real symmetric (t, τ )independent matrices, such that the Hamiltonians (4) and ( 5) satisfy the integrability conditions (2) and (3) for two time-like variables, τ 1 = t and τ 2 = τ . Even