<p>Laryngocele is a benign dilatation of the laryngeal saccule with incidence of 1 in 2.5 million people per year. Known as a disease of trumpet blowers, laryngocoele mainly affects the older male population with occupational predisposition. We aimed to review a case of laryngocele in a 55-year-old merchant in terms of clinical presentation, radiographical features, other investigations and surgical management. The detailed description of the case of mixed laryngocele which was evaluated in the department of ENT, HIMS, Hassan will be given. Literature was reviewed for similar cases of this entity and was studied in terms of age, sex, location, treatment and outcome. Out of the 50 cases reviewed, majority were males with neck swelling being the most common clinical presentation. The 48 cases were treated surgically and most of the specimen displayed respiratory epithelium on histopathological examination. 8 specimens showed varied histopathological finding including 3 squamous cell carcinomas. One case recurred over a 6-month period follow up.</p>