Biotic interactions are known to play an important role in shaping species geographic distributions and diversity patterns. However, the role of mutualistic interactions in shaping global diversity patterns remains poorly quantified, particularly with respect to interactions with invertebrates. Moreover, it is unclear how the nature of different mutualisms interacts with abiotic drivers and affects diversity patterns of mutualistic organisms. Here, we present a global-scale biogeographic analysis of three different ant-plant mutualisms, differentiating between plants bearing domatia, extrafloral nectaries (EFNs), and elaiosomes, based on comprehensive geographic distributions of ∼15,000 flowering plants and ∼13,000 ant species. Domatia and extrafloral nectaries involve indirect plant defenses provided by ants, while elaiosomes attract ants to disperse seeds. Our results show distinct biogeographic patterns of different ant-plant mutualisms, with domatium- and EFN-bearing plant richness decreasing sharply from the equator towards the poles, while elaiosome-bearing plants prevail at mid-latitudes. Contemporary climate, especially mean annual temperature and precipitation, emerge as the most important predictor of ant-associated plant diversity. In hot and moist regions, typically the tropics, domatium- and EFN-bearing plant richness increases with related ant guild richness, while in warm regions plants with elaiosomes are strongly linked to interacting ants. Our results suggest that ant richness in combination with climate drives the spatial variation of plants bearing domatia, extrafloral nectaries, and elaiosomes, highlighting the importance of mutualistic interactions for understanding plant biogeography and its response to global change.