Low level of physical fitness and sedentary life style is becoming one of the major risk factor of cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. Isometric hand grip exercise (IHG exercise) as a form of static resistance exercise has been shown to lower resting blood pressure and results in favorable cardiovascular remodeling. Still, its effect on cardiovascular, especially echocardiographic parameters has not been widely studied. Hence, the study was planned to evaluate the effect of IHG training of 5 weeks on cardiovascular parameters. 30 apparently healthy males of age group 23.57±1.83 years were included in the study. Relevant medical history and anthropometric variables were taken. They were asked to perform 4 IHG exercise at 30% of MVC for 3min with 5min rest in between for 4 days per week, for a period of 5 weeks. Cardiovascular parameters were recorded at the start, during the training and at the end of the training, while the echocardiographic parameters were recorded before and at the end of training. Significant decrease was observed in SBP, DBP, MAP, HR, RPP (rate pressure product) both at rest and at 2min of IHG exercise. Heart rate recovery at 1min increased significantly after the training. Echocardiography showed significant increment in interventricular septum thickness, left ventricular posterior wall thickness and left ventricular ejection fraction; and significant decrement in left ventricular end systolic diameter and volume. The study thus showed that IHG training resulted in positive morphological and functional adaptation of cardiovascular system, resulting decrease in stress on it both at rest and during exercise.
KEYWORDSIsometric Hand Grip training, Cardiovascular system adaptation, Echocardiography.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE:Gandhi S. Effect of isometric hand grip exercise training on cardiovascular and echocardiographic parameters among healthy young males.