The isometric tension development of a one-dimensional regionally ischemic muscle was analyzed theoretically. The model consists of a one-dimensional normal segment in series with a one-dimensional ischemic segment. Each segment is modeled as a three-element muscle. The inputs to the various elements, except the contractile element in the ischemic segment, were obtained from published data for cat papillary muscles. To be consistent with segment length measurements on ischemic canine hearts, it was assumed that the ischemic contractile element contracted normally at the beginning of contraction and then at some tension, T M , fell behind in its rate of tension development compared to the contractile element in the normal segment. Rate of tension development of the entire muscle and the stretching of the ischemic segment were calculated for various lengths of the ischemic segment and strengths of the ischemic contractile element. At the tension, T M , the ischemic segment begins undergoing paradoxical expansion and, simultaneously, as a result of the expansion, the time derivative of the tension produced by the regionally ischemic muscle exhibits a sudden decrease. CORONARY ARTERY disease directly affects localized regions of the heart because the various coronary arteries provide blood to discrete segments of the heart. Ischemia in the intact heart, therefore, usually occurs in isolated areas surrounded by normally contracting myocardium, giving rise to asynergy. 1 Thus the effects of ischemia should be considered regional rather than global. This paper addresses the regional aspects of ischemia and their effect on the heart's mechanical performance. In particular , a mathematical model of regionally ischemic muscle will be presented and analyzed. Such a model has been mentioned by Brady, 2 but no qualitative or quantitative calculations were performed. Inputs to the model are based on published data from both normal and hypoxic papillary muscles. The stress development in the regionally ischemic fiber during isometric contraction and the paradoxical extension of the ischemic segment of the fiber are calculated. Examples of experimental observations will be presented for comparison with the results of the theoretical model.