SUMMARY To clarify the mechanism of displacement of the left ventricular diastolic pressure-volume function with alteration of loading conditions, the effects of nitroglycerin on pressure-volume relations in 13 patients were compared with those of amyl nitrite in 13 other patients during cardiac catheterization. After nitroglycerin, average systemic mean arterial pressure declined by 15.1 mm Hg (17%) and left ventricular enddiastolic pressure by 9.4 mm Hg (49%); right ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressures fell 11.6 mm Hg (36%) and 5 mm Hg (41%), respectively. In all patients diastolic pressure-volume curves were significantly displaced downward and leftward. After amyl nitrite, average systemic mean arterial pressure fell 20.1 mm Hg (22%), but left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and right ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressures were not significantly reduced. No significant displacement of diastolic pressure-volume curves occurred. Both the rate constant of the exponentially fit diastolic pressure-volume curve, and the rate of diastolic isovolumic relaxation (T) were unchanged after each drug. Thus downward displacement of diastolic pressure-volume functions after nitroglycerin appears to be dependent more upon reduction of right ventricular filling dynamics than coronary perfusion pressures. More favorable effects upon left ventricular function may be associated with reduction of both left ventricular filling pressures and systemic impedance (reflecting both "preload" and "afterload") than of systemic arterial pressures ("afterload") alone.