Cardiac blunt trauma clinically presents as a spectrum of injuries of varying severity. However, the diagnosis of complications of remote myocardial trauma is often challenging, especially if the patient forgets to mention a remote history of chest trauma.
Case summary
Here, we present a patient who recently experienced traumatic myocardial dissection and interventricular septal rupture, alongside three patients exhibiting a mimic double-chambered left ventricle, indicative of prior remote myocardial trauma potentially associated with the myocardial dissecting tear.
Patients with recent severe myocardial injury are detectable through cardiac imaging. However, forgotten remote myocardial trauma can lead to adverse myocardial remodeling, heart failure, and arrhythmias. Long-term myocardial remodeling can obscure initial myocardial imaging characteristics, posing challenges in interpretation. Our case series suggests remote myocardial trauma may be more prevalent than commonly thought in clinical practice.