This study presents one of the largest studies of pediatric vocal fold paralysis diagnosis and treatment. The study looks at the spectrum of function in patients with UVCP and looks at the outcomes of options: no treatment, injection laryngoplasty, and ANSA-RLN. Although surgical outcomes vary, both injection laryngoplasty and ANSA-RLN show benefit in laryngeal function, voice stability, voice capacity, perceptual rating, and pVHI scores. Both injection laryngoplasty and ANSA-RLN showed improvements post-treatment, and should be considered for management of pediatric UVCP. However, the ANSA-RLN group showed better and longer-lasting perceptual and acoustic parameters in comparison with the injection and control groups. Reinnervation, even long term after the onset of vocal fold paralysis, should be considered a viable permanent treatment for pediatric UVCP.