Chapter 2 Promoting the Independence of a Financial Services Regulator 19 2.1 Introduction 19 2.2 Independence and the Financial Services Regulator 19 2.3 The Example of Central Bank Independence 22 2.4 Independent but Accountable 25 2.5 Arguments For and Against the Independent Regulator 31 2.6 Conclusion 34 Chapter 3 The Concept of a Unified Financial Services Regulator 37 3.1 Introduction 37 3.2 The Unfolding Debate 38 3.3 Examples of Unified Regulators 45 3.4 Deciding Whether to Unify Financial Services Supervision 47 3.5 A Contingency Approach 48 3.6 Lessons Learned from Experience 49 3.7 Conclusion 55 vi Contents Chapter 4 Frameworks for Unified Financial Services Supervision: Latvia, the Scandinavian Countries, and the United Kingdom 57 4.1 Some Preliminary Issues 58 4.2 The Latvian Model 59 4.3 Structure of the Financial and Capital Market Commission 63 4.4 Strategic Goals of the Commission 71 4.5 Other Aspects of the Regulatory Framework 73 4.6 Unified Financial Services Supervision in the Scandinavian Countries 74 4.7 Unified Financial Services Supervision in the United Kingdom 82 4.8 Recent Regulatory Developments in the United Kingdom 84 4.9 Conclusion 87 Chapter 5 Conclusion 89