Objective: this study is to investigate to attempt to provide some legal assurance for fair and reasonable competition among business actors to sustainable development.
Theoretical Framework: In this topic, digital market (e-commerce) is, the market reality today for Jordanian businesses and customers, and unfair business competition in the digital market is a new phenomenon. Hence, in the Jordanian context, this study attempted to impose more rules in order to reduce the potentials for unfair competition.
Method: The study used the legal approach through used of the descriptive doctrinal approach by referring to laws, books, research and other references via the Internet. As for the comparative approach, such as referring to the law of the United Kingdom, French law and other laws to reach solutions to address unfair competition in e-commerce in Jordan.
Results and Discussion: The rules in Jordan are not adequate in imposing some obligations and in protecting against illegal competition between merchants. In this regard, this study recommended the Jordanian unfair competition law and trade secrets 2000 need some amendments to keep abreast with the advancements in electronic transactions and to keep in line with the Law of Electronic Information and Transactions.
Research Implication: The execution of e-commerce has challenged by several issues such as language, regulations, taxation, difficulties in recognizing actors, and countries’ legal differences, especially in Jordan.
Originality/ Value: This research is the originality and creativity of the researcher and has not published before. It is a new work, which distinguishes the research from previous studies.