Objective: The implementation of rehabilitation assessments for drug addicts has always been criticized for injustice in the service system. This can be seen from various legal policies that are considered discriminatory against the lower middle-class society. Drug addicts who are rehabilitated by wealthy groups will easily get luxury facilities from rehabilitation institutions. It's different from the poor who are always complicated by administrative problems during the rehabilitation process. Therefore, this research is considered important to find out the existing policy problems and what solutions should be applied to drug addicts.
Theoretical framework: To deal with the problem of drug users, practical rehabilitation assessment is very important. Based on Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, drug abusers are like people who have two legs: one in the legal dimension and the other in the health dimension. At the legal level, abuse is a legal violation that must be punished because it violates applicable regulations. On the other hand, drug abusers are considered chronic addicts who need to be cured through rehabilitation.
Method: Data collection is sourced from normative data related to the rehabilitation assessment of narcotics abuse in Indonesia.
Results and conclusion: The results of the study show that the legal implications in the implementation of rehabilitation assessments for addicts and victims of narcotics abuse can shape changes in patients for the better, although in practice there are still those who repeat their actions (recidivist).
Implications of the research: In addition, the Government is still constrained in terms of costs to build rehabilitation institutions in a comprehensive and equitable manner.
Originality/value: Thus causing differences, discrimination, and injustice between addicts and narcotics victims who become patients.