Field studies have led to several interpretations on the mechanics behind slow earthquake phenomena downdip of the seismogenic zone. To date, field studies have not examined the shallow subduction interface which may also host slow earthquake phenomena. We examine a subduction mélange exhumed from conditions representing the source of shallow slow earthquake phenomena. The mélange consists of a shale matrix containing rigid blocks, including basalt which is altered along the margins. Cataclasite‐bearing faults attest to localized faulting along the altered margins of basaltic blocks, concurrent with distributed shear in the shale matrix. These cataclasite‐bearing faults link individual blocks. Microstructures show mutually crosscutting tensile and shear veins, consistent with failure having occurred at, or near, lithostatic pore fluid pressures. We model the stress concentrations around the altered margins of basaltic blocks during distributed shear and show that frictional failure of the altered basalt is predicted to occur at lower imposed strain rates than frictional failure of the shale, favoring fault development along block margins. Calculations of critical nucleation lengths for the blocks show they would fail dynamically at hydrostatic pore fluid pressures, producing microearthquakes. At near‐lithostatic pore fluid pressures, block lengths are below the critical nucleation length for dynamic failure and may produce slow earthquake phenomena. Mixing of velocity‐weakening blocks into a viscously flowing, velocity‐strengthening matrix may serve as a common mechanism for slow earthquake phenomena updip and downdip of the seismogenic zone.