(isometric) for females. Independent t-test showed that female b value was higher than that of the males (p<0.05) with no significant difference between the wet and dry seasons (independent t-test, p>0.05). The mean Kn of L. subviridis was 1.01±0.13; however, no significant difference was detected between wet and dry seasons and between male and female samples (independent t-test, p>0.05).Keywords: Length-weight relationship, Liza subviridis, Relative condition factor, Wet and dry season Length-weight relationship and coefficient of condition provide useful information for understanding the biology and ecology of fish in terms of estimating the average weight corresponding to a known length group (Froese, 2006) and in evaluating the relative well-being of a fish population (Bolger and Connolly, 1989). This in turn would provide inputs for development of stock assessment models for sustainable management of fish in an aquatic ecosystem (Mendes et al., 2004). The lengthweight relationship of fishes belonging to the family Mugilidae have been extensively studied worldwide (Moorthy et al., 2003;Lawson and Jimoh, 2010;Dankwa, 2011;Renjini and Nandan, 2011;Gondal et al.,2014).The present study was undertaken to establish the length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Liza subviridis (Valenciennes, 1836) in a small estuarine area of Pinang River Estuary, Balik Pulau, Penang, Malaysia, which is subjected to various anthropogenic activities. A few researchers have studied the same species in the Merbok Estuary of Kedah (Nor Aziella, 2012) and in the Vellar Estuary of India (Rahman et al., 2013). However, these studies were conducted in large estuarine systems with less anthropogenic effect compared to the Pinang River Estuary considered in this study. The total length of the fishes sampled were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using measuring board and weighed to the nearest 1 g using a portable scale (OHAUS model LS2000). The shape of the anus was used to differentiate the sex, which was further confirmed by examining the gonads after dissecting the abdomen.The length-weight relationship was calculated as W = aL b (Froese, 2006), where W is total weight (g), L is total length (cm) (from the tip of the snout to the tip of caudal fin), a is constant proportionality (intercept value) and b is allometry coefficient (slope). where, sd ln L and sd ln W are the standard deviations of the ln length and weight. The value of b is significantly different from the cubic law if the t calculated is greater than the t distribution table value for n-2 degrees of freedom.
107The confidence limit of population of L. subviridis was calculated based on formula by Zar (2010):where b is the slope calculated from the length-weight relationship, S 2 is the mean square error and SD TL is the standard deviation of total length.The relative condition factor (Kn) was calculated using the following formula, Kn = W/W' (Le Cren, 1951), as cited by Froese (2006), where W is the total weight (g); W' is aL b , where a and b are the interc...