The focus is on the fishery as a whole, i.e. the combination of fish, environment, fishers, and economic and policy context [11,12]. The need to integrate customer demand and marketing to sustainable fisheries management is highlighted in several studies, in particular in the Mekong basin [13]. Thus, we consider here fish supply, fish demand/marketing and the environment policy as the three main pillars of a sustainable fishery, knowing that several other factors such as biological productivity, algae blooms, limnological aspects, landuses in the catchment areas, fishing gears are also important [14]. Our study focuses only on a reservoir fishery, it does not include upstream or downstream fisheries. We set the stage by identifying the various components of a generic tropical reservoir fishery, and then document how much is known and has been done about each component in the case of Nam Theun 2. This highlights strengths and weaknesses in the knowledge base needed for the management of the system. Ultimately, the various degrees of control of managers over the fishery system and its components are identified.
Components of a Fishery: the Conceptual PerspectiveThis case study review is based on the analysis of Nam Theun 2 environment, fish resource, fishing, fishers, fish trade, and policies