On the 1 st of March 1927, two Komsomol members from the Chuvash Republic, located in the centre of European Russia, wrote an emotional letter to Comrade Stalin. Reflecting on the revolutionary upheavals in China, they attacked the inaction of the Komsomol and the party and expressed their sincere determination to self-mobilise and join the proletarian forces in China. 'We do not need empty slogans such as "The Komsomol is prepared"', 'We must not live like this' they wrote and boasted 'we guarantee that we are able to mobilise thousands of Komsomol members who have the desire to go to China and fight in the army of the Guomindang.' This was after all, they forcefully stressed, the purpose for which 'our party and our Komsomol exist.' 1 These youngsters were not alone in their views. As the coverage on the