Abstract. The baryonic and dark matter fractions can be both generated simultaneously and with comparable amounts, if dark matter is constituted by the baryons of the mirror world, a parallel hidden sector with the same (or similar) microphysics as that of the observable world.Keywords: Early Universe, Leptogenesis, Baryogenesis, Dark Matter PACS: 11.30. Er, 11.30Fs, 14.60.St, 95.30.Cq, 95.35.+d, Baryonic and Dark Matter in the Universe:Cosmological observations indicate that the Universe is nearly flat, with the energy density very close to critical: Ω tot = 1. The non-relativistic matter in the Universe consists of two components, baryonic (B) and dark (D). The recent data fits imply [1]:where h = 0.73 ± 0.02 is the Hubble parameter. Hence, the matter gives only a smaller fraction of the total energy density: Ω M = Ω B + Ω D = 0.24 ± 0.02, while the rest is attributed to dark energy (cosmological term):The closeness of Ω Λ and Ω M (Ω Λ /Ω M = 3.2 ± 0.3), known as cosmic coincidence, may have an antrophic origin: the matter and vacuum energy densities scale differently with the expansion of the Universe: ρ M ∼ a −3 and ρ Λ ∼ const., and thus they must coincide at some moment. So, it is our good luck to assist the epoch when ρ M ∼ ρ Λ : in the earlier Universe one had ρ M ≫ ρ Λ and in the later Universe one will have ρ M ≪ ρ Λ . Moreover, if ρ Λ would be just few times bigger, no galaxies could be formed and thus there would be nobody to rise the question.The closeness between Ω D and Ω B (Ω D /Ω B = 4.7 ± 0.3) gives rise to more painful problem. Both ρ D and ρ B scale as ∼ a −3 with the Universe expansion, and their ratio should not dependent on time. Why then these two fractions are comparable, if they have a drastically different nature and different origin?The baryon mass density is ρ B = m B n B , where m B ≃ 1 GeV is the nucleon mass, and n B is the baryon number density. Hence, Ω B h 2 = 2.6 × 10 8 (n B /s), s being the entropy density, and so eq. . The origin of non-zero baryon asymmetry Y B , which presumably was produced in a very early universe as a tiny difference n B = n b − nb between the baryon and anti-baryon abundances, is yet unclear. The popular mechanisms known as GUT Baryogenesis, Leptogenesis, Electroweak Bariogenesis, etc., all are conceptually based on out-of-