his study is conducted among students in training. Its objective is to analyse, through factorial exploration, students' perceptions of their levels of appropriation of academic competencies and their support needs. To this effect, an exploratory factorial analysis is carried out using data from asurvey composedof 12 dimensions and 62 statements. The latter measures 11 oral skills, 09 written skills, 08 practical skills and 12 parameters for asserting support needs. The factorial exploration determined 10 latent variables or factors. This was based on a sample of 147 participants F (n=53;36.1%) M (n=94;63.9%). The factor structure was examined under SPSS 21 using a maximum likelihood extraction method with Varimax axis rotation assuming moderate inter-factor correlations (Elliot and McGregor, 2001).Our results showed from this analysis the extraction of 10 factors explaining 74.38% of the total variance in the data on competencies required during training, as follows :Written Production (WP).This factor (relating to written competence) explained 6.52% of the variance. The analysis expresses a discrepancy of the items by (-.746 and .512). Participants tend to be less appropriate for compliance with instructions when they are able to organise themselves alone during investigative work or document exploration. Oral and Written Communication (OWC).This factor (relevant to oral competence) emerges with a 6.97% variance ratio and also included 2 items (Speaking in front of the audience, communicating ideas in writing to the teacher). The analysis expresses a variance indicated respectively by (.730 and -.711). The student's mastery of the oral situation does not therefore ensure the student's control of written expression or oral exchanges in a duel (student-teacher).Intensity of Effort and Artistic Expression (IEA).This factor (relating to physicalcompetence) accounted for 9.27% of the variance. The analysis expresses a discrepancy between the items. It is indicated respectively by (-.747 and .645). As a result, the ability to express intense effort is not at all favourable for artistic expression.As a result, intense physical effort is not compatible with grace and artistic expression. It has been found that the prior disparities between students (type of baccalaureate...) reveal pedagogical workcamps to be established later on during the readjustments of the different courses of study. According to these results, not all the participants have the same constraints or expectations in the curriculum of this training course.The declaratives representations on the appropriation of the competences identified, grouped and analysed, affirm that the so-called "university" or less professionally oriented courses are generally considered to be of little interest according to the conclusions of the participants Mean 2.54 ± sd .86, i.e. 45% n=67 of the interviewees. The assertions expressed in the results give rise to a measure of action, which is that of reviewing the theoretical side of the training, making it adequate and up to date in the movement of university changes and more precisely in the sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities (STAPS).