Questions about research participation In Section 2 of this report, Indigenous questions about research participation are discussed. These questions revolve around issues of the who, why and how of participation. Key issues regarding the who of participation are: ª Communities do not necessarily refl ect kinship groups. ª Indigenous families are extended, often complex and diverse in structure. ª The mobility of families and family members, and changing carers, presents particular challenges for a longitudinal study of children. Consulting with Indigenous communities 'I would like to tell others about the value of having networks. It is really important to tap into networks, as people are really busy and very sceptical about research. Personally, I found the stronger my networks the more people attended.' 'The personal stories from the team members to begin with was kind of an ice breaker. It would also give us an opportunity to promote [the study] on a more 'Over time, the community meetings took better shape. At fi rst, we asked too many questions and really had too much on the agenda for the time we had.'