, risk management against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Since January 2020, risk management against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become an urgent social issue. Ergonomics can contribute to reducing social anxiety under has become an urgent social issue. Ergonomics can contribute to reducing social anxiety under the chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) disasters through risk the chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) disasters through risk communication. This paper discusses ergonomic research issues for crisis and emergency risk communication. This paper discusses ergonomic research issues for crisis and emergency risk communication (CERC) among stakeholders to promote appropriate understanding and behavioral communication (CERC) among stakeholders to promote appropriate understanding and behavioral change against social anxiety caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. Finally we summarized ergonomic change against social anxiety caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. Finally we summarized ergonomic research issues from following four perspectives: 1) CERC factors in CBRNE disasters, 2) action-research issues from following four perspectives: 1) CERC factors in CBRNE disasters, 2) actionoriented communication mitigating social anxiety, 3) ergonomic theory and practice against the public oriented communication mitigating social anxiety, 3) ergonomic theory and practice against the public health crisis of COVID-19, and 4) academic role of human factors and ergonomics communities. health crisis of COVID-19, and 4) academic role of human factors and ergonomics communities. 2020年1月以降,新型コロナウィルス(COVID-19)に対するリスク対応が喫緊の社会課題である.こ のようなCBRNE災害(Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive)に対し,人間工学が 果たせる貢献のひとつにリスクコミュニケーションがあげられる.本稿では次の4視点で人間工学におけ るリサーチイシューを整理した:1)CBRNE災害におけるCERC要素とそのリサーチイシュー,2)社会 不安へ対応する行動志向型コミュニケーションのリサーチイシュー,3)COVID-19の公衆衛生危機に対 する人間工学研究と実践のリサーチイシュー,4)人間工学コミュニティが果たす役割.これら4視点か らCOVID-19による社会不安軽減に向けた人間工学研究の方向性を示すこととした. (キーワード:リスクコミュニケーション,CBRNE災害,COVID-19,人間工学ナッジ,CERC)