The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for better tracking and monitoring domestic and international investments in health, including on pandemic preparedness. The total official support for sustainable development (TOSSD) framework can help, as it captures both cross-border flows to developing countries, such as international assistance, and domestic contributions to global public goods, such as pandemic preparedness. This pilot study tests the current TOSSD methodology for tracking the global financing for health, and explores how TOSSD can be shaped to best respond to the emerging information needs of the international community. | 5 TOSSD -TRACKING GLOBAL HEALTH EXPENDITURE IN SUPPORT OF THE SDGS © OECD 2021
ForewordTOSSD is a statistical framework that aims to track the global financing of the SDGs. It is composed of two pillars: (i) cross-border resource flows to developing countries and (ii) global and regional expenditures on international public goods (IPGs), development enablers, and global challenges. The development of TOSSD is overseen by the International TOSSD Task Force. This working paper is part of a series of TOSSD pilot studies exploring different options for measuring TOSSD. They are meant to inform the TOSSD Task Force as well as the international community working on, or interested in, the financing of the SDGs. The general objective of this pilot is to test the current TOSSD methodology for tracking the global financing for health, and explore how it can be shaped to best respond to the international community's emerging information needs, including those of developing countries. The need for this work emerged in the context of the COVID-19 crisis and the increasing demand for measuring the financing of IPGs, in particular on health. Because of the multiple challenges impeding the achievement of global health objectives, however, the scope of the study goes beyond COVID-19 or global pandemics, thereby covering global health financing more broadly.This study is based on a comprehensive literature review as well as interviews with recognised experts from national administrations, international organisations, academia, and private foundations. After briefly showing how TOSSD Pillar I improves the measurement of the international public financing of health in developing countries, it focuses on measuring the public financing of health-related international public goods (IPGs) in TOSSD Pillar II. We test the current TOSSD reporting instructions and propose options for further refining the methodology, based on the broader objectives selected by the TOSSD Task Force. To illustrate the order of magnitude of TOSSD under each of the options, we provide estimates of public funding that would be captured for selected providers. Box 4.1. TOSSD Pillar II -contributions to international public goods: definitions and parameters Box 4.2. TOSSD criteria for counting R&D funding as a contribution to IPGs Box 4.3. The G-Finder survey of global funding for global health R&D Box 4.4. International rese...