SUMMARY:Hepatocerebral MPV17-MDS is quite rare (Ͻ30 confirmed cases), with limited findings described on MR imaging. We report 2 siblings having abnormalities within the reticular formation of the lower brain stem and within the reticulospinal tracts at the cervicocranial junction on T2WI. The presence of these MR imaging findings (relative to previous reports) raises the possibility that they represent subtle but characteristic findings corresponding to clinically observed abnormalities of tone encountered with this recently described disorder.
ABBREVIATIONS:1 H-MR spectroscopy ϭ proton MR spectroscopy; MDS ϭ mitochondrial depletion syndrome; MPV17-MDS ϭ MPV17-related mitochondrial depletion syndrome; T1WI ϭ T1-weighted imaging; T2WI ϭ T2-weighted imaging M PV17-related hepatocerebral MDS is a rare congenital autosomal recessive disorder typically characterized by hepatic failure, failure to thrive, and neurologic findings (dependent on the age of onset), such as hypotonia and dystonic movements.1,2 It is 1 of several described MDSs recently confirmed by dedicated laboratory and genetic testing.2 Presentation usually occurs in the first months of life, with the life span typically limited to months.1,2 The MR imaging literature describing MPV17-MDS is sparse and nonspecific, but the variable findings that have been reported range from normal-todiffuse white matter abnormalities, which may resemble a leukodystrophy or hypomyelination.1 Particular regions noted in case reports include the cerebellar white matter, middle cerebellar peduncles, substantia nigra, and a single patient with subtle involvement of the dorsal brain stem.2-4 Herein, we describe 2 infant siblings with MPV17-MDS exhibiting nearly identical involvement on T2WI at the cervicomedullary junction and within the lower dorsal brain stem.
Case Reports
Case 1A 3-month-old male infant with no significant perinatal/neonatal history presented with progressive deficiencies in feeding, jaundice, failure to thrive, and mild hypotonia; elevated liver enzymes were subsequently detected. Thereafter, a 1.5T MR imaging at 5 months of age demonstrated mild moderately delayed myelination, as represented on T1WI by limited hyperintensity within the anterior limb of the internal capsule, the corpus callosum splenium and lack of significant occipital white matter hyperintensity. There were hyperintense abnormalities on T2WI bilaterally within the reticular formation of the lower dorsal brain stem and the reticulospinal tracts of the cervicomedullary junction (Fig 1), without reduced diffusion. Findings of point-resolved 1 H-MR spectroscopy of the basal ganglia and periventricular white matter appeared normal for his age, without a lactate peak and with equivalent N-acetylaspartate and choline peaks. A head CT at 6.5 months of age did not demonstrate any significant abnormalities or overt atrophy. Hepatomegaly was clinically apparent and confirmed by CT. Muscle biopsies were performed but were negative for the more common mitochondrial disorders. The patient died at ...