The European Medicines Agency (EMA) qualification process is a new, voluntary, scientific pathway leading to either a Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) opinion or a Scientific Advice on innovative methods or drug development tools: (i) CHMP Qualification Opinion on the acceptability of a specific use of the proposed method, based on the assessment of submitted data and (ii) CHMP Qualification Advice on future protocols and methods for further method development towards qualification, based on the evaluation of the scientific rationale and on preliminary data submitted. The qualification procedure was established as a response to the drug development bottlenecks and inefficiencies, but also to the availability of new methodologies, not yet integrated in the drug development and clinical management paradigm. The qualification process addresses innovative methods developed by consortia, networks, public/private partnerships, learned societies or pharmaceutical industry. It is expected to facilitate communication between the scientific community and the regulators and to address challenges with the development and use of medicines. In this article, we will present an overview of the process and the up to now scientific advice working party (SAWP) experience.