We show that the effective coupling between the spin-1/2 edge states of a spin-1 chain of finite length can be continuously tuned by frustration. For the J1 −J2 model with nearest and next-nearest neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions, we show that the effective coupling in a chain of length L changes sign N 0.38L times in the window 0.28 J2/J1 0.75 where the short-range correlations are incommensurate. This implies that there are N zero modes where the singlet and the triplet are strictly degenerate, i.e. N values of J2/J1 where the spin-1/2 edge states are completely decoupled. We argue that this effect must be generic for all incommensurate phases with localized edge states, and we briefly discuss a few experimental implications.Topological matter is currently attracting a lot of attention.One of the first examples is the spin-1 Heisenberg chain, which has long been known to have a finite bulk gap 1 and spin-1/2 edge states 2,3 , and which has recently been shown to be an example of a symmetry-protected topological phase 4 . In onedimensional fermionic systems with pairing, also known as the Kitaev chain 5 , Majorana fermions appear at the edges of a chain in the topologically non-trivial phase. The detection of the emergent Majorana fermions relies on their impact on the local tunneling density of states 6,7 or on the presence of two quasi-degenerate lowlying states in open systems. The presence of two quasidegenerate low-lying states can be most easily detected if these two states cross as a function of an external parameter, such as the chemical potential in fermionic chains 8 or an external magnetic field in spin chains. Such level crossings have been recently detected in chains of Co adatoms 9 , and their interpretation in terms of localized Majorana fermions worked out in details 10,11 . At each level crossing, there is an exact zero mode, i.e. an excitation whose energy vanishes exactly. In the fermionic model, the exact zero modes appear when the Majorana edge states are rigorously decoupled. It is natural to ask whether a similar effect can be induced in other topological phases with edge states, in particular in the spin-1 chain. This would imply the presence of completely free emergent spins 1/2 at the end of a finite chain, an interesting possibility for qubits.In the standard spin-1 Heisenberg chain with only nearest-neighbor coupling, the spin-1/2 edge states are coupled by an effective interaction that decays exponentially with the length of the chain, and whose sign depends on the parity of the number of sites. For even chains, the coupling is antiferromagnetic, while for odd chains, it is ferromagnetic. Accordingly, the ground state is a singlet with a low-lying triplet excitation (the Kennedy triplet 2,3 ) if the number of sites is even, while it is a triplet with a low-lying singlet if the number of sites is odd. This behavior can be traced back to the antiferromagnetic nature of the spin-spin correlations. Edge spins can be expected to be ferromagnetically aligned if the number of bonds ...