Abstract. We prove that every meromorphic function on the closure of an analytic Jordan domain which is sufficiently well-behaved on the boundary is conformally equivalent to a rational map whose degree is smallest possible. We also show that the minimality of the degree fails in general without the boundary assumptions. As an application, we generalize a theorem of Ebenfelt, Khavinson and Shapiro by characterizing fingerprints of polynomial pseudolemniscates.The starting point of this paper is the following conjecture on the behavior of holomorphic functions on the closed unit disk.Conjecture 1. Let f be holomorphic on a neighborhood of the closure of the unit disk D. Then there is an injective holomorphic function φ : D → C and a polynomialIn this case, we say that f and p are conformally equivalent and that p is a conformal model for f on D. Note that D can be replaced by any Jordan domain, by the Riemann mapping theorem.The above was conjectured by the first author in [9], motivated by questions arising from the study of level curve configurations of meromorphic functions. The case where f is a finite Blaschke product follows from the work of Ebenfelft, Khavinson and Shapiro [1] on the characterization of the so-called fingerprints of polynomial lemniscates. Proofs of this special case were also given independently by the first author in [9] using level curves, and by the second author in [11] using a simple Riemann surfaces welding argument combined with the uniformization theorem.Conjecture 1 was proved in full generality by George Lowther and David Speyer on the internet mathematics forum math.stackexchange.com, using Lagrange interpolation and the inverse mapping theorem (see [8]). Our main motivation for this paper comes from the observation that the proof in [11] of the finite Blaschke product case can easily be generalized to obtain a proof of Conjecture 1, with some additional assumptions on the behavior of the function f on ∂D. Although this approach yields a slightly weaker result than that of Lowther and Speyer, it has considerable advantages. For instance, the argument also works in the meromorphic setting, in which case the polynomial p must be replaced by a rational map Date: February 24 2015.