Let F be a number field with adele ring AF, q, l two coprime integral ideals with q squarefree and π1, π2 two fixed unitary automorphic representations of PGL2(AF) unramified at all finite places. In this paper, we use regularized integrals to obtain a formula that links the first moment of L(π ⊗ π1 ⊗ π2, 1 2 ) twisted by the Hecke eigenvalues λπ(l), where π runs through unitary automorphic representations of PGL2(AF) with conductor dividing q, with some spectral expansion of periods over representations of conductor dividing l. In the special case where π1 = π2 = σ, this formula becomes a reciprocity relation between moments of L-functions. As applications, we obtain a subconvex estimate in the level aspect for the central value of the triple product L(π ⊗ π1 ⊗ π2, 1 2 ) and a simultaneous non-vanishing result for L(Sym 2 (σ) ⊗ π, 1