Excitations up to I=12 have been found in 82Kr during an (a, 2n) The lowest 2qp bands in 78,80Kr are based on g9/2 proton configurations il). Excitation energies, aligned angular momenta and the interaction matrix elements between the ground state band (GSB) and the 2qp bands were quantitatively reproduced within the framework of the cranked shell model (CSM) 12]. On the other hand, the 8 + and i0 + yrast states in 84Sr were ascribed to g9/2 neutron configurations 13[. In 82Kr we identified both kinds of 2qp states. This Short Note deals with the properties of the g9/2 neutron excitations as observed in 82Kr and in the adjacent odd-neutron nuclides.Excited states in 82Kr were investigated using the 80Se(e,2n) reaction at the Rossendorf cyclotron. Angular distributions, coincidence-relations and the linear polarization of the y-rays were measured by irradiating a I0 mg/em 2 foil of 80Se with a-particles of 27 MeV, while relative excitation functions were determined down to Ea= 21MeV. Life times for 24 levels were derived from the Doppler shift of the y-rays using the Doppler shift attenuation and plunger methods. In fig. 1 the part of the 82Kr level scheme ascribed to the GSB and g9/2 2qp excitations is shown. The B(E2) values given in this figure (in Weisskopf units) indicate t~o collective bands with level sequences 8 + -I0 -12 + above three strongly mixed 6 + states.In order to interprete the bands in terms of the CSM the angular momenta around the axis of collective rotation, Ix, have been plotted in fig. 2 versus the rotational frequency. The assumption that the GSB should be characterized by a smooth curve was used to locate its 6 + member at E=3.1 MeV. The curve for the upper 2qp band exhibits large alignment and fits the tendency of the 2qp bands in 78,80Kr Ill. This systematics and the relatively large B(E2) values in the upper band suggest an assignment as proton (g9/2) 2 configuration. The level energies and the 8+ to I0 + separation of the lower band are similar to those in 84Sr where the neutron configuration of the 8 + state was proved by a g-factor measurement 141. Thus we interprete the yrast sequence 8 + -I0 + -12 + in 82Kr as (g9/2)2 neutron hand ~).(12%~1