89 Y( 3 He, d) m Zr data taken with the Oak Ridge isochronous cyclotron with jE 3 H e =25 MeV are analyzed. 35 states are observed between 5.08-and 8.12-MeV excitation with l p ==2 and l p -0. These states are considered to be the antianalog single-particle-hole states of the pujTWm, pm^sm, and p\i2~ldzn proton configuration in 90 ,Zr mixed with "core-polarization" states. The possibility exists that there are some additional states of the pn^dzn proton configuration higher than 8.12 MeV. The energy separation between the centroid of each of the r<==r 0 -\ groups and the corresponding analogs with T>=r 0 +J is found to be approximately 7 MeV. The strength of the isobaric-spin-dependent potential, responsible for the splitting of the r< from the T> states, is calculated to be 148 MeV. Spectroscopic factors are extracted and are compared with theoretical sums of spectroscopic factors. The total number of 7< states seen is in good agreement with the number calculated from considerations of core-polarization states mixed with the antianalog states through nuclear interactions.