Among forbidden substances included in the European Union legislation, endogenous steroids constitute a challenge in the framework of veterinary Official Monitoring Plans. They can be naturally present in body fluids at variable levels depending on the species, sex and age of the animals. Considering the significant advances achieved in breeding conditions and in the selection of producing traits in meat cattle, the aim of this study was to verify by analytical method, in veal calves housed under controlled conditions, if the level of natural steroids hormones assumed as physiological are still actual. The second aim of the study was to verify if the normal histological pattern of growth promoters in target organs is influenced accordingly. Bovine male sex organs are currently analysed in the frame of the Italian histological plan to monitor illicit treatments trend, highlighting microscopic, induced alterations. The levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone residues resulted under the Limit of Quantitation of the approved official methods and the level of testosterone resulted below the level stated in the Italian Ministerial Decree in force. Male target organs appeared within the limits of the standard histological features.