With a multi-lab and university team, we propose to develop new methods for a Hydrodynamic and Radiographic Toolbox (HART) that will enable a fuller and more extensive use of experimental radiographic data towards better characterizing and reducing uncertainties in predictive modeling of weapons performance. We will achieve this by leveraging recent developments in areas of computational imaging, statistical and machine learning, and reduced order modeling of hydrodynamics. In terms of software practices, by partnering with XCP (RIS-TRA Project) we will conform to recent XCP standards that are inline with modern software practices and standards and ensure compatibility and ease of inter-operability with existing codes. Three new activities under this proposal include (a) the development and use of deep learning-based surrogates to accelerate reconstruction and variational inference of density fields from radiographs of hydrotests, (b) a model-data fusion strategy that couples deep learning-based density reconstructions with fast hydrodynamics simulators to better constrain the reconstruction, and (c) a method for treating asymmetries using techniques adopted from limited view tomography. All three new activities will be based on improved treatment of scatter, noise, beam spot movement, detector blur, and flat fielding in the forward model, and a use of sophisticated priors to aid in the re construction. The improvements to the forward model and improved algorithmic design of the reconstruction when complete will be contained in the iterative reconstruction code SHIVA-a code project that we have recently initiated. The many ways in which machine learning can be used in the reconstruction work will be contained in a code HERMES that has been initiated with DTRA support. For example, the significant levels of acceleration that will likely be achieved by the use of machine learning techniques will permit us (and are required) to quantify uncertainties in density retrievals. Next, the two-way coupling between density reconstruction and model-based simulation of the hydrodynamics will be contained in code EREBUS, and will permit a fuller realization of the potential of the data to constrain the hydrodynamic model and better address issues related to asymmetries in the problem. Finally, we anticipate that the better consistency with physics achieved in our reconstructions will allow them to be used by X-Division more so than today.