Dendrimeric antimicrobial
peptides or lipopeptides have strong
transmembrane ability and antibacterial activity. To obtain some ideal
antimicrobial peptides, anoplin, a natural antimicrobial peptide with
weak antimicrobial activity, was modified by C-terminal dendrimerization
using lysine and N-terminal lipidation using fatty acids. 2K-3A-C4,
a trimer of anoplin, was dendrimerized by two lysines at the C-terminal
and was lipidated by
-butyric acid at the N-terminal,
and thus exhibited the best antibacterial activity. However, the trimer
had high hemolytic activity. Finally, A-C8, a simple structural lipopeptide,
which is not a dendrimer, was obtained following the lipidation of
anoplin using octanoic acid; it exhibited the highest therapeutic
index, which makes it a probable antibiotic and thus was screened