Production data analysis (PA) refers to all analytical approaches and tools to reveal reservoir properties, performance, and characteristics such as material balance, Flowing Material Balance (FMB), Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA), Rate Transient Analysis (RTA), Decline Curve Analysis (DCA) and deconvolution.
PA provides robust information comprising reservoir container volume, depletion mechanism, reservoir connectivity and well performance. It provides the best view on reservoir performance and helps to characterize the reservoir to understand reservoir quality, boundaries and flow characteristics to develop and optimize current reservoir management prior to any dynamic modelling.
In this paper, the focus will be on analytical methods such as Rate Transient Analysis (RTA), Flowing Material Balance (FMB), Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) and analytical simulation as an integrated approach for enhanced production data analysis in Gas fields. The idea of FMB has been introduced by L. Mattar (1997) and it is generally applied to determine oil or gas in-place using flowing pressure data (L. Mattar and Anderson, 2005).
The main objective is to show the methodology for production data analysis, illustrate its added value to reservoir performance monitoring as well as its advantages for well-test design and production forecasting.
The results show that different approaches need to be used consistently to enhance the reservoir characterization and improve reservoir understanding in using production data prior to full field dynamic application. Integration helps to resolve uncertainties quickly and economically.