Abstract:In this article, we consider the problems normally associated with bilingual phraseography and the paradigm that should be used to guide its development. We first present the fundamental aspects that should be taken into account in the characterization of bilingual phraseography. Secondly, we give a general overview of both theoretical and practical bilingual phraseography, paying special attention to the main problems existing in this area. Thirdly, we consider the factors that can determine the development of bilingual phraseography, starting from the notion of the "user needs paradigm" and the contributions from the Function Theory of Lexicography. Finally, we make a brief summary of the main ideas dealt with in the article.Keywords: General bilingual dictionaries, bilingual phraseological dictionaries, phraseology, phraseological unit, user needs paradigm, Function Theory of Lexicography
Introductory questionsFrom a traditional point of view, bilingual phraseography can be understood as a sub-area of phraseography1 which includes all the phraseographical work regarding general bilingual dictionaries and bilingual phraseological dictionaries. As a specific branch of phraseography, it should include, in the first place, a metaphraseographical perspective (of historiography, theory, criticism and research). Furthermore, it should contain a practical aspect focusing on the compilation of bilingual phraseological dictionaries (BPD) (including technical and methodological aspects), as well as everything pertaining to the treatment of phraseological elements in any type of bilingual lexical repertoire. It is, however, necessary to bring some clarifications to this characterization: firstly, it must be remembered that the different facets have not developed uniformly. Consequently, there are numerous descriptive works, whereas those of a metaphraseographical nature are few and far between, above all those referring to the use of the dictionary and those based on empirical studies.1 Phraseography is defined as "una disciplina lingüística que se ocupa, por una parte, de los principios teóricos y prácticos que rigen la inclusión de la fraseología en compilaciones léxicas (diccionarios, léxicos, vocabularios, glosarios, concordancias, etc.), tanto restringidas como generales y, por otra, del estudio crítico y descriptivo de estas compilaciones, en lo que al tratamiento de la fraseología se refiere, lo que significa decir que el ámbito de interés de la fraseografía comprende desde la presentación tipográfica seguida en la obra hasta la adecuación a los usuarios"["a linguistic discipline concerned with, on the one hand, the theoretical and practical principles that govern the inclusion of phraseology in lexical compilations (dictionaries, lexicons, vocabularies, glossaries, agreements, etc.), both specific and general, and on the other hand, the critical and descriptive study of these compilations, as regards the treatment of phraseology, which means that the sphere of phraseography includes everything from the ...