Multi-modal feature fusion and saliency reasoning are two core sub-tasks of RGB-D salient object detection. However, most existing models employ linear fusion strategies (e.g., concatenation) for multi-modal feature fusion and use a simple coarse-to-fine structure for saliency reasoning. Despite their simpleness, they can neither fully capture the cross-modal complementary information nor exploit the multi-level complementary information among the cross-modal features at different levels. To address these issues, a novel RGB-D salient object detection model is presented, where we pay special attention to the aforementioned two sub-tasks. Concretely, a multi-modal feature interaction module is first presented to explore more interactions between the unimodal RGB and depth features. It helps to capture their cross-modal complementary information by jointly using some simple linear fusion strategies and bilinear fusion ones. Then, a saliency prior information guided fusion module is presented to exploit the multi-level complementary information among the fused cross-modal features at different levels. Instead of employing a simple convolutional layer for the final saliency prediction, a saliency refinement and prediction module is designed to better exploit those extracted multilevel cross-modal information for RGB-D saliency detection. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed framework over some state-of-the-art methods.Index Terms-RGB-D salient object detection, bilinear fusion strategy, saliency prior information guided fusion, saliency refinement and prediction. [9] and segmentation [10]. Benefiting from the progress of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), CNNs based RGB SOD models [2], [11], [12], [13] have significantly improved the performance of conventional hand-crafted feature based approaches [14], [15], [16], [17].However, such algorithms are found vulnerable to complex environments, varying illuminations or cluttered backgrounds. After paying a lot of efforts, researchers realize that using RGB images only cannot solve those challenges. Meanwhile,