In -0.g jis time the radial lines of 48 cavities in thc lincar induction accclcrator LIA-10 arc chargcd up to 400-500 kV with 16 five-stage one-circuit Marx generator.Thc gcncrator clcctric schcmc is prcscntcd as wcll as somc of its design peculiarities, the arrangement and characteristics of gas-filled trigatrotis in the stages. Stored energy is 6.25 kJ. cquivalcnt capacitancc is 0.05 pF. output voltagc is -500 kV, circuit inductance is -2.5 jiHs At -100 % electrical strength rcscrvc for thc switchcs and with synchronizcd triggering of all generators the maximum jitter is +I5 ns for -lo4 shots.