An update of an article which appeared in the IFLAjournal (Stilwell, 2007a Keywords: Library and information systems and services; access to information; education and training; South Africa I Introduction In this article we pick up on the critical questions of the school library sector before reviewing other information services. As with Part I of this two part article, Boon's four broad categories (1992) for the information sector are used for structuring much of the contents. School Libraries are located within libraries and information services in the sector concerned with packaging, storage, organisation, recall and duplication of information. Some of these services were reviewed in Part I.2 Information sources, systems and services in South Africa Within this section we continue to map the sectors responsible for the packaging, storage, organisation, recall, duplication and dissemination of information. In addition the sector concerned with information technology is discussed.2.1 Sector concerned with packaging, storage, organisation, recall and duplication of information We go on with charting the progress of libraries and information services in South Africa, reviewing this against the imperatives of the government's transformation agenda, commencing with the critical problems of the school library sector. The adoption of this framework in the Northern Cape led to an improvement in funding for schools in this province.
2 Libraries and informationIn 1999 a national survey of school libraries was undertaken to inform improvements in "the capacity of the Department of Education to systematically take stock of its school library resources in terms of their quality, quantity and spatial distribution" (Department of Education and Human Sciences Research Council, I999:iii). In 2006 the total void in terms of legislated school library policy at national level appeared to be receiving attention at last. A national policy for school library norms and standards supported by the Minister of Education, Naledi Pandor, was expected to be passed late that year. Pandor also resurrected the 1997 National policy framework for school library standards and made an explicit connection publicly between the development of school libraries and literacy levels (Department of Education, 2005; Zinn, 2006:23). Zinn (2006:23), however, states "the policy and its implementation still have a long road to travel". Jenny I. Christine Stilwell is Professor,