Background The COVID-19 pandemic caused severe shutdowns, quarantines, closures, cancellations, and other restrictive measures in different countries. Educational institutions such as universities, colleges, and schools were not immune to the devastating effects caused by the pandemic. Purpose The present study intended to explore challenges and coping strategies in maintaining access to and use of resources and services in academic libraries during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Research design To gain familiarity and acquire new insight into how Tanzania academic libraries managed their services during the COVID-19 pandemic exploratory research design was employed. A qualitative approach was mainly used to explore library staff and users’ opinions and experiences on library service provision during the pandemic outbreak. Data collection methods and analysis Focus group discussions (FGDs) and face-to-face semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Data collected through FGD and semi-structured interviews were transcribed and subjected to qualitative data analysis. In particular, thematic analysis was employed in analysing data based on assigned themes. Results Generally, the study reveals multiple challenges in delivering library services and resources and their coping strategies. However, most of the coping strategies put forward mainly focused into preventing the pandemic, rather than enhancing access to and use of library services and resources among the users. Conclusion and recommendations The study exposes challenges that affected the delivery and use of library services during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and their coping strategies were known. Proposal to digitize the library collections, invest in the application of digital library solutions and innovations, build capacity in digital competencies among the library staff and users, and increase access and use of open and freely available resources and services appear to be sustainable coping strategies when a pandemic occurs.