The area of Slovakia is rich in karst regions and caves, located in the mountainous relief of the western parts of the Carpathian Mountains -the northernmost distributional limit of the obligate cave terrestrial fauna in Europe. Terrestrial isopod fauna in Slovakia comprises 48 species, a third of which lives exclusively in synanthropic habitats. Caves represent prominent undisturbed refugia preserving relict fauna. Despite the long history of Slovak biospeleology, the knowledge about cave terrestrial isopods is scarce. We used the opportunity to prepare a comprehensive study of isopods in Slovak cave environment. We collected and analyzed the complete bibliography, which begins in the 1930s, although the first collections of isopods in our caves are dated to 1913. We used our own field data and the material of isopods from private collections of cave biologists in Czechia and Slovakia including collections from the estates of two deceased zoologists, J. Gulička and V. Ducháč. We gathered 434 samples collected in 111 caves of various types and elevations (from 210 to 1548 m a.s.l.) and one mine gallery, dated from 1948 to present. 5658specimens of 25 taxa at species level from 10 families were recognized. Another 3 species are documented by published data. Despite these relatively high numbers, the occurrence of isopods in deeper zones of Slovak caves is rare. Only 4 taxa from the present list are considered closely connected to deeper zones in caves and other subterranean habitats: Mesoniscus graniger, Androniscus cf. dentiger, Trichoniscus cf. pygmaeus, and one undetermined blind species of the family Trichoniscidae. Results indicate sparse populations of cave colonizers, except for Mesoniscus graniger. Two surface species, Cylisticus convexus and Hyloniscus riparius, occasionally inhabit the deeper zones of some caves. In contrast, cave entrances are inhabited by various isopods and represent important refugia of biodiversity, especially in a monotonous environment. Several species seem to prefer cave entrances, e.g. Trachelipus difficilis or Orthometopon planum. Abstrakt: Územie Slovenska je bohaté na kras a jaskyne, najmä v hornatom reliéfe Západných Karpát -najsevernejšej distribučnej hranici pravej jaskynnej suchozemskej fauny v Európe. Fauna rovnakonôžok na Slovensku zahŕňa 48 druhov, z ktorých tretina žije výlučne v synantropných biotopoch. Jaskyne predstavujú prominentné nerušené refúgiá uchovávajúce reliktnú faunu. Napriek