We analyze a family's term life insurance demand in a life cycle portfolio choice model. A major source of risk for a family is the early death of the sole wage earner. To hedge this, the family in our model can contract a term life insurance. Most existing papers studying the life insurance demand consider short term contracts that can be bought or sold continuously which ensures an optimal insurance holding at each point in time. This simplification might crucially affect the results. Therefore, we focus on a model where the family can choose between different long-term contracts that differ with respect to their insurance sum. The annual insurance premium includes fees for administrative costs and transaction costs. A belated change of the insurance is costly for the family and only possible as long as the insured person is younger than a specific age and healthy. The wage earner faces stochastic mortality risk with a jump component that we interpret as critical illness. Once the agent suffers from a critical illness, the family cannot change the insurance contract any more, the income of the family reduces, and the mortality risk increases. If the wage earner dies before the maturity of the insurance contract, the remaining family members receive a single, fixed payment of the insurance company. We use a German life table to calibrate the mortality process, German cancer data to calibrate the critical illness shock and data of the German life insurance industry to calibrate the insurance fees. The insurance premiums are calculated such that the contracts are actuarially fair.The realistically modeled insurance induces new qualitative effects that are important for the optimal decisions over the life cycle. The long-term insurance contract amplifies the effect of negative labor income shocks, since in the undesired case of a negative labor income shock a premature termination of the contract or a reduction of the insurance sum leads to additional losses. In an already bad state, the family has problems to make the premium payments. Families with a lower income volatility have a significantly higher insurance demand. The amplifying effect also reduces the insurance demand of families that are more risk averse. In general, the families increase insurance protection over the life cycle. The long term contract design effect fades away as agents get older, since the contract duration and human wealth uncertainty reduce. Most importantly, young families do not buy any long-term term life insurance. If an older agent suddenly dies, the accumulated financial wealth and contracted insurance ensures that the surviving family member can maintain their consumption level, although consumption growth is reduced. By contrast, an unexpected death in younger years leads to severe problems for the family.Our results are robust to adding short-term insurance, annuities, or health insurance. For instance, if families have also access to short-term insurance, they buy these contracts at a young age without demanding long-term ins...