Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of life goals, aspirations, materialism of employees of internal affairs bodies, the selection of psychodiagnostic tools in the framework of a global study of professional self-awareness of subjects of official activity. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the uncertainty of the structure of professional self-awareness of the individual, the lack of a developed program and methodology for empirical research of professional self-awareness, recommended methods for diagnosis, including life goals, aspirations, materialism. For the activities of the internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to solve personnel issues, select the most promising, reliable employees for service, accompany them throughout their service, and promote their professional development. In this regard, the role of the psychologist of the internal affairs bodies in conducting individual and group work with employees, carrying out psychodiagnostics and subsequent support is increasing. Methods. In carrying out this part of the scientific research, we used such methods as scientific categorical analysis, typologization, testing. Results. The questionnaire “Index of aspirations” (T. Kasser, R. District in the adaptation of T. O. Gordeeva, O. A. Sychev, V. A. Egorova) made it possible to assess the severity of both external and internal aspirations of a person, to give them a general assessment and on separate scales, respectively. This questionnaire is included in the program of the study of professional selfawareness of subjects of official activity, indicating the following as motivational components of the structure: relationships, community, appearance, fame, influence. Self-expression was attributed to the reflexive components. The results of the diagnosis of dispositional materialism as an integral part of the structure of professional self-awareness are obtained; positive relationships between individual indicators of the component composition of the structure of professional self-awareness are revealed.