Introduction: Life skills education is needed for adolescents to achieve independence as a foundation for becoming adults in facing real life. Support from various education sectors is needed in life skills guidance programs to anticipate adolescent problems, one of which is mosque-based life skills education.
Objectives: This study aims to conduct field studies and analyze mosque guidance programs for adolescents, especially related to life skills material. Data collection was carried out on the mosque adolescent development program implemented, problems faced in the field, and explored the needs of mosques about youth development programs.
Methods: This type of research is field research, using a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The study was conducted on 5 (five) mosque adolescent organization as research objects, namely Remaja Masjid Sunda Kelapa Mosque Youth (RISKA) Jakarta, YISC Al Azhar Jakarta, Remaja Masjid Bintaro Jaya (Remisya)Tangerang Selatan, Sobat An Nashr (Sonar)Tangerang Selatan, and Remaja Masjid Jogokariyan Yogyakarta.
Results: Based on the results of the analysis of existing mosque adolescent guidance programs, there has not been found comprehensive and structured life skills material, the content of life skills that have been carried out in mosques in the form of direct organizational practice and social activities. So it is necessary to develop existing mosque adolescent programs, by including life skills materials that are more structured and comprehensive.