This research study aims to analyze the relation of technology based indicators (internet use, internet access, etc.) with educational attainment of people with disability in European Union countries. Statistics related with three different types of disabilities (seeing, hearing and walking) were used at this study. Educational attainment levels are: less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2), upper secondary and postsecondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4), tertiary education (levels 5-8). Information society indicators which are digital inclusion (digital inc), E-government activities of individuals via websites (int act), households level of internet access (int acc), individuals -mobile internet access (mob acc), Internet use for interaction with public authorities (public services) were considered in this study. In addition to this, educational attainments were analyzed comparing with countries and a variety of disabilities. Data includes values of Disability Statistics and Information Society Indicators for 2019 at Eurostat Databases. Descriptive analysis was conducted. It was concluded that walking and digital participation had the highest correlation value. It has been revealed that the hearing variable has a negative and moderately significant relationship with the information society indicators. On the other hand, it was determined that there was a high level of correlation between the hearing variable and internet access.