Huge swirling storms known as hurricanes are tropical storms appearing in the North Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Paci c that result in winds of 120 km/hour and higher. The winds occurring during hurricanes are catastrophic resulting in immense damage to human life and property. Rapid assessment of damage caused by hurricanes is extremely important for the rst responders. But this process is usually slow, expensive, labor intensive and prone to errors. The advancements in remote sensing and computer vision help in observing Earth at a different scale. In this paper, a Convolutional Neural Network model has been designed that assesses the damage caused to buildings of post hurricane satellite images. The images have been classi ed as Damaged and Undamaged. The model is composed of ve convolutional layers, ve pooling layers, one attening layer, one dropout layer and two dense layers. Hurricane Harvey dataset consisting of 23000 images of size 128 X 128 pixels has been used in this paper. The proposed model performed best at learning rate of 0.00001 and 30 epochs with the Adam optimizer obtaining an accuracy of 0.95, precision of 0.97, recall of 0.96 and F1-score of 0.96. It also achieved the best accuracy and minimum loss.