Diabetes represents one of the most common diseases globally. Worryingly, the worldwide incidence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is rising by 3% per year. Despite the rapid increase in diabetes incidence, recent advances in diabetes treatment have been successful in decreasing morbidity and mortality from diabetes-related retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. In contrast, there is clear evidence for the lack of improvement in mortality for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). This emphasizes the importance of focusing childhood diabetes care strategies for the prevention of CVD in adulthood. Furthermore, although most work on diabetes and macrovascular disease relates to type 2 diabetes, it has been shown that the age-adjusted relative risk of CVD in T1D far exceeds that in type 2 diabetes. As T1D appears predominantly during childhood, those with T1D are at greater risk for coronary events early in life and require lifelong medical attention. Because of the important health effects of CVDs in children and adolescents with T1D, patients, family members, and care providers should understand the interaction of T1D and cardiovascular risk. In addition, optimal cardiac care for the patient with diabetes should focus on aggressive management of traditional cardiovascular risk factors to optimize those well-recognized as well as new specific risk factors which are becoming available. Therefore, a complete characterization of the molecular mechanisms involved in the development and progression of macrovascular angiopathy is needed. Furthermore, as vascular abnormalities begin as early as in childhood, potentially modifiable risk factors should be identified at an early stage of vascular disease development.