Employing high-resolution spectra obtained with the near-UV-sensitive detector on the Keck I HIRES, supplemented by data obtained with the McDonald Observatory 2d-coudé, we have performed a comprehensive chemical composition analysis of the bright r-process-rich metal-poor red giant star HD 221170. Analysis of 57 individual neutral and ionized species yielded abundances for a total of 46 elements and significant upper limits for an additional five. Model stellar atmosphere parameters were derived with the aid of $200 Fe peak transitions. From more than 350 transitions of 35 neutron-capture (Z > 30) species, abundances for 30 neutron-capture elements and upper limits for three others were derived. Utilizing 36 transitions of La, 16 of Eu, and seven of Th, we derive ratios of log (Th / La) ¼ À0:73 (¼ 0:06) and log (Th /Eu) ¼ À0:60 (¼ 0:05), values in excellent agreement with those previously derived for other r-process-rich metal-poor stars such as CS 22892À052, BD +17 3248, and HD 115444. Based on the Th/Eu chronometer, the inferred age is 11:7 AE 2:8 Gyr. The abundance distribution of the heavier neutron-capture elements (Z ! 56) is fitted well by the predicted scaled solar system r-process abundances, as also seen in other r-process-rich stars. Unlike other r-process-rich stars, however, we find that the abundances of the lighter neutron-capture elements (37 < Z < 56) in HD 221170 are also in agreement with the abundances predicted for the scaled solar r-process pattern.