Sarcoplasmic protein diffusion was studied under different conditions, using microinjection in combination with microspectrophotometry. Six globular proteins with molecular masses between 12 and 3700 kDa, with diameters from 3 to 30 nm, were used for the experiments. Proteins were injected into single, intact skeletal muscle fibers taken from either soleus or extensor digitorum longus (edl) muscle of adult rats. No correlation was found between sarcomere spacing and the sarcoplasmic diffusion coefficient (D) for all proteins studied. D of the smaller proteins cytochrome c (diameter 3.1 nm), myoglobin (diameter 3.5 nm), and hemoglobin (diameter 5.5 nm) amounted to only approximately 1/10 of their value in water and was not increased by auxotonic fiber contractions. D for cytochrome c and myoglobin was significantly higher in fibers from edl (mainly type II fibers) compared to fibers from soleus (mainly type I fibers). Measurements of D for myoglobin at 37 degrees C in addition to 22 degrees C led to a Q(10) of 1.46 for this temperature range. For the larger proteins catalase (diameter 10.5 nm) and ferritin (diameter 12.2 nm), a decrease in D to approximately 1/20 and approximately 1/50 of that in water was observed, whereas no diffusive flux at all of earthworm hemoglobin (diameter 30 nm) along the fiber axis could be detected. We conclude that 1) sarcoplasmic protein diffusion is strongly impaired by the presence of the myofilamental lattice, which also gives rise to differences in diffusivity between different fiber types; 2) contractions do not cause significant convection in sarcoplasm and do not lead to increased diffusional transport; and 3) in addition to the steric hindrance that slows down the diffusion of smaller proteins, diffusion of large proteins is further hindered when their dimensions approach the interfilament distances. This molecular sieve property progressively reduces intracellular diffusion of proteins when the molecular diameter increases to more than approximately 10 nm.