The contribution is presenting a procedure for reconstruction of cerebral blood flow after resection of the A. carotis communis and the A. carotis externa in animal experiments. The preparation in human corps will demonstrate the possibilities on anatomical points. The surgical intervention is based on the fact that we can tie up the A. carotis externa on both sides without disadvantage. On the healthy side, without formation of metastasis, we prepare the A. carotis externa from the bifurcation up to the region of the Mm. pterygoidei. There we will tie up the vessel. The vessel can be transplanted to the contralateral side via a retropharyngeal "tunnel". On this side we dissect the big vessels of the neck. There the suture will be applied to the transplanted A. carotis externa and to the stump of the A. carotis interna by end-to-end or end-to-side anastomosis. The results are documentated by angiographies and local pressure measurements during the operation.