This paper presents a numerical study of the light focusing properties of dielectric spheroids with sizes comparable to the illuminating wavelength. An analytical separation-of-variables method is used to determine the electric field distribution inside and in the near-field outside the particles. An optimization algorithm was implemented in the method to determine the particles' physical parameters that maximize the forward scattered light in the near-field region. It is found that such scatterers can exhibit pronounced electric intensity enhancement (above 100 times the incident intensity) in their close vicinity, or along wide focal regions extending to 10 times the wavelength. The results reveal the potential of wavelength-sized spheroids to manipulate light beyond the limitations of macroscopic geometrical optics. This can be of interest for several applications, such as light management in photovoltaics. , 2001). 23. S. Asano and G. Yamamoto, -Light scattering by a spheroidal particle,‖ Appl. Opt. 14(1), 29-49 (1975). 24. E. M. Purcell and C. R. Pennypacker, -Scattering and absorption of light by nonspherical dielectric grains,‖ Astrophys. J. 186(2), 705-714 (1973). 25. J. C. Ravey and P. Mazeron, -Light-scattering in the physical optics approximation-application to large spheroids,‖ J. Opt. 13(5), 273-282 (1982). 26. J. P. Barton, -Internal, near-surface, and scattered electromagnetic fields for a layered spheroid with arbitrary illumination,‖ Appl. Opt. 40(21), 3598-3607 (2001). 27. N. Richard, -Analysis of polarization effects on nanoscopic objects in the near-field optics,‖ Phys. Rev. E Stat.
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