Light/dark effects on growth and sugar accumulation in tomato (Lycoperskon esculentum) fruit during early development were studied on intact plants (In vivo) and in tissue culture (in vitro).Through the use of an in vitro culture of tomato fruit, it was possible to investigate the direct effects of light on sink metabolism by eliminating the source tissue. Similar growth patterns were found in vivo and in vitro. Fruit growth in different sugars indicated that sucrose was the best source of carbon for in vitro fruit growth. Fruit growth increased as sucrose concentration increased up to 8%. Darkening the fruit decreased fruit dry weight about 40% in vivo and in vitro. The differences in the CO2 exchange rate between light and dark grown fruit indicated that light stimulation of fruit growth was due to mechanisms other than photosynthesis. Supporting this conclusion was the fact that light intensities ranging from 40 to 160 micromoles per square meter per second had no significant influence on fruit growth, and light did not increase growth of fruit cultured with glucose or fructose as a carbon source. However, light stimulated fruit growth significantly when sucrose was used as the carbon source. Light-grown fruit took up 30% more sucrose from the same source and accumulated almost twice as much hexose and starch as dark-grown fruit. A possible expansion of an additional sink for carbon by light stimulation of starch synthesis during early development will be discussed.Assimilate partitioning and translocation are major determinants of crop yield. It has been suggested (7) that the regulation of these processes is at least partially through the metabolic activity of the sink tissue. As an example of this, it has been shown that in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), sucrose uptake can be manipulated by altering sink metabolism through an increase or decrease in temperature (5, 31). Furthermore, this type of research illustrates the potential usefulness of identifying and studying environmental factors influencing sink activity. From a practical standpoint, such information provides a basis for plant growth and environmental control models (1, 8, 18) increasingly used by greenhouse producers for regulating crop timing and yield. However, it also provides a point of attack in our quest to understand what "sink activity" actually means in biochemical terms.