We study chiral partner structure of four light nucleons, N (939), N (1440), N (1535) and N (1650) using an effective chiral model based on the parity doublet structure. In our model we introduce four chiral representations, (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3) and (3, 2) under SU(2)L ⊗ SU(2)R symmetry. We determine the model parameters by fitting them to available experimental values of masses, widths and the axial charge of N (939) together with the axial charges of N (1535) and N (1650) by lattice analyses. We find five groups of solutions: In a group the chiral partner to N (939) is N (1440) having small chiral invariant mass. In another group, the chiral partner is a mixture of N (1535) and N (1650) having a large chiral invariant mass. We claim that off-diagonal elements of axial-charge matrix can be used for distinguishing these groups. We also discuss changes of masses associated with chiral symmetry restoration, which could emerge in high density matter.